Monday, September 10, 2012


Love the name of this book, also that I found it at the airport and it looked short enough to finish on a plane ride.  Looks can be deceiving.  Tinkers is a Pulitzer Prize winner by Paul Harding.  Now, sometimes I appreciate and love Pulitzer winners, and sometimes not so much.  This one falls somewhere in between.

Tinkers follows the memories of George Washington Crosby as he lays dying at home in New England.  He has much to remember, and his memory is VERY detailed.  These memories morph into the memories of George's father, who has memories of George's grandfather.  Sometimes it gets a little confusing.  However, if you want to know how to write a brilliant descriptive sentence, or learn about imagery in literature, then this book would be the perfect study tool.

I can see this book assigned for summer reading in high school.  I'm glad I'm not in high school.

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